By Christina Bauer
(Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #2)
Publication date: July 9th 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Romance, YA
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Romance, YA
Bryar Rose's true identity lies hidden in a labyrinth of magic, terror and ancient Egypt. Now she and Knox must uncover the truth ... or lose everyone they love.
1. Wolves And Roses
2. Moonlight And Midtown
3. Shifters And Glyphs
4. Slippers And Thieves
5. Bandits And Ball Gowns
For those who have been following my reviews or even stumble upon my blog or profile would probably already know that I am borderline obsessed with Christina Bauer's works. Since the Angelbound Origins, I have always adored the quirky narrators and the fantasy worlds that this author always manage to deliver, and Fairy Tales of the Magicorum did not exempt.
Shifters and Glyphs delves deeper into the main issue of founding the 'Fountain of Magic' that was introduced in the previous instalment. And let me warn you (in a good way of course) that these 300 something pages has been nothing but packed with adventures and twists that will keep you from moving from the couch until you finish the whole thing. If anything, the mix between action and humour definitely made Shifters and Glyphs an entertaining read.
Although I thought it is a good way to conclude our protagonists Bryar and Knox's arc, I wished the story had more explanations and background on the fairy tale template that was supposedly forced upon the Magicorum (shifters, fae, witches/warlocks), which I always found very interesting and would love to know more on how it came about. There are definitely a lot of questions left unanswered still, and I hope somehow we will get more insight on it on the next instalments. I found it to be a bit of a let down that we didn't get as much exposure on the other characters and their developments except on the main protagonists in this one compared to the first one, I miss Elle and Alec! But hey, we are expecting them fully on the next book so I won't be too bitter about it.
Nevertheless, I would definitely recommend this book and series to everyone who are interested in the Fantasy Fiction genre! I for one will definitely be sitting on the edge of my seat for the next book to come.
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