Hi y'all! (trying out the southern accent. No?) Welcome to this week's meme "Sunday Blogger Feature & Sneak Peak" by NjKinny's World of Books! (she's also this month's blogger of the month, so make sure you check out her blog) where you get to share your plans for the upcoming week! and meet new friends and follower on the same time! Anyway, I'm so excited that I got featured this week! super. honored. Thank you!
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- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
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What to expect this week?
Since this week's going to be stuffed by tests (I hate being a student) so I'm not going to do much (sad face)
Upcoming reviews on The Four Eyed Cat Reviews

this two is already on my currently reading list, and (hopefully) I'm going to finish it this week!

This one is special! I've just finished watching the movie. AND. IT. WAS. AWESOME. Maybe you guys who read it before watching it have a different opinion idk. I thought watching the movie first was a good decision, because books adapted movies tend to disappoint me (sad). But I love this one. SO. STARTING. THIS. BOOK.
Upcoming Book Blitz
So excited about this one! There's going to be some giveaways too! stay tune, posting on March 17th 2014
Have a happy Sunday!
Wow..You got some very appealing books here.. I am so looking forward to reading your reviews Feli! :)
ReplyDeleteOld Follower.. :)
Happy Weekend and here is my Sunday Post.. :)
-Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books
And I can't wait to finish them all!