
(Review) Right Kind of Mistake: Book One by Rebecca Thomas

Right Kind of Mistake: Book One
by Rebecca Thomas
Series: Right Kind of Mistake #1
Release date: October 13th 2015
Publisher: SHINE
Right Kind of Mistake (Right Kind of Mistake, #1)

Just because Quanta can see the future doesn’t mean she can change it. She’s spent most of her life imprisoned, feeding her captors information to keep herself alive, but she’s finally reached the endgame and her death creeps closer by the moment.

The son of two senators, Altair Orpheus leads a life of privilege that provides the perfect cover for his side job: working with the rebel Shadow Ravens to undermine the ruling Seligo government. Everything is running like clockwork until he crosses paths with Quanta. As he watches her deftly maneuver through life in a perverse prison, his plastic heart melts. A jailbreak would be suicide, but Tair is willing to sacrifice everything to give her a chance at happiness.

Now Quanta senses a terrifying new future brewing. She and Tair are bound together, but every image of them kissing, snuggling, and acting knee-weakeningly happy is balanced by a much darker possibility. They’ll be picture perfect together, but only until time rips them apart. How can she follow her heart when she’s seen how their love plays out?

I have to admit that I am blinded by pretty book covers 98% of the time, and this is one of them. I mean look at that cover. The moment I found it on Netgalley I found myself clicking on the request button in a mere second. So here I am, I received a copy in exchange of an honest review.

There is so many aspects of this book to love. The characters are not flat and easy to connect with, and the writing style are absolutely stunning. It flows effortlessly from paragraph to paragraph that I found myself completely hooked since the beginning.

Our heroine, Haylie had been through a rough breakup with her hockey player boyfriend when she found him cheating on her, thus she decided later to steer off completely from hockey players. Enter our drool worthy hero, Cam, the ex-boyfriend's ex team mate and roommate, also the guy who had set his eyes on her even when she was still in a relationship. But now that its over? there is nothing stopping Cam from pursuing Haylie. If only it's that easy considering Haylie's new determination to stay away from hockey players.

Despite all those things I love, I unfortunately find the plot ordinary and predictable. And Haylie's reasons for holding back is totally understandable but after a while it all became repetitive and a little annoying. just, Haylie, please stop. Cam is obviously amazing just take him as your boyfriend and be happy, or I'll happily take him ;) Nevertheless Cam's amazing personality and the engaging writing style kind off made up for that. It is ended with a cliffhanger, although its not that big, so I would definitely read the next book. Recommended to those who live on NA novels and amazing book boyfriends!

3 EYES OPEN (3/5)

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