
(Review) Angel's Curse by Melanie Tomlin

Angel's Curse
by Melanie Tomlin
(Angel Series #2)
Release date: February 3rd 2016
Publisher: Kylani Press

Angel's Curse

What lengths would you go to for revenge?
Helena is furious beyond belief. She can't forgive the angels for what they did to her, and Danizriel — one of their own kind — who sought only to help her. Now she's out for revenge.

A coordinated blitz takes place on the solstice and thousands of vampires lay waste to the angelic host, in an attack orchestrated by Helena. In exchange for her help she receives three weapons from the time of the fall — powerful enough to destroy archangels.

With three archangels down and one to go, Helena gambles with her soul to pull off the kind of bluff that even Satan might fall for. If she loses, the devil takes it all. 

I cannot get over this book! Received a copy from the author herself and was super grateful, but the five star rating had nothing to do with that at all.

I am in love. If I thought the first book was awesome, this second instalment is even better. With a great plot and character development, Angel's Curse is definitely a must-read for you guys, paranormal romance and urban fantasy lovers.

The plot and twists regarding the usual angel and demon myths might be my favourite thing about this book. Melanie Tomlin had delivered a totally fresh and original re-telling. Although you might not want to delve in if you're extremely religious and cannot handle a few fictional tweaks here and there, but if you're not, go to the nearest bookstore and get a copy of your own right away.

The author's amazing writing style had sucked me right into the story. One second I would be cheering on our heroine, Helena, for being so awesome and badass and the next thing I know I am crying my eyes out—not giving away anything here—and then back again. The whole novel is definitely an emotional rollercoaster, in a good way. I can't even say I hated any of the characters here even the bad guys, oh well except Raphael.

Overall, if you can't see it from my paragraphs above, I am totally and utterly in love with this book. If I could force everyone to read it I would, that is how much I am obsessed. Thanks Melanie Tomlin, for the wild journey through heaven and hell.

5 EYES OPEN (5/5)

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