
(review) Winter Queen by Amber Argyle

Winter Queen by Amber Argyle
Series: Fairy Queens #1
Release date: June 19th 2013
Publisher: Starling Publishing
Pages: 254
Source: Bought (kindle edition)
Rating: ★★★★

~Becoming a winter queen will make Ilyenna as cold and cruel and deadly as winter itself, but it might be the only way to save her people from a war they have no hope of winning.~ Mortally wounded during a raid, seventeen-year-old Ilyenna is healed by winter fairies who present her with a seductive offer: become one of them and share their power over winter. But that power comes with a price. If she accepts, she will become a force of nature, lose her humanity, and abandon her family. Unwilling to pay such a high price, Ilyenna is enslaved by one of the invaders, Darrien. While in captivity, she learns the attack wasn’t just a simple raid but part of a larger plot to overthrow her entire nation. With the enemy stealing over the mountains and Darrien coming to take her to his bed, Ilyenna must decide whether to resurrect the power the fairies left behind. Doing so will allow her to defeat Darrien and the other invaders, but if she embraces winter, she will lose herself to that destroying power—forever.

I've always loved fantasy and fairy tales but I'm not really sure about fairies. I've been turned down by quite a few fairy books before and thank heavens this wasn't one of them.

I'm quite pleased with Amber Argyle's writing, she manage to made it as if we are really in the past, (sometimes I found books with past settings but the writing style doesn't feel like we're really there in the past, get it?) Unfortunately, I'm quite bored at the first few chapters. But it gets more and more interesting, so... yeah. Like it.

Our main character is Ilyenna, (what a cool name, right?) and I absolutely loved her. She lived in this place (a village?) called Shyle and one day, their neighbor hooding land (I'm not sure if it was a country or a town or a village) called Argon was attacked. By that Ilyenna must treat the Argons (peoples from Argon) and later, survive as a slave. Despite all of those heavy problems she manage to survive, which makes her super badass. And there's also this guy from Argon named Rone, he was the son of the Argon's clan chief and the one Ilyenna loved, and he was uber sweet. Our antagonist, Darrien was the son of the Tyran's chief (the clan who attacks Shyle and Argon) was twisted and cruel, but I couldn't help feeling that he wasn't truly bad in the core, I sounded really naive but that's what I felt.

The other thing that I loved about this book is the map. Did I mention that there's a map in front? yeah, it's pretty cool. And the ending! the ending was really sweet and aww-worth (is that a word?) Winter Queen may not be the best but it was absolutely something I would re-read in the future. Like it!


  1. Omg this book looks absolutely wonderful!!
    I love fairies, so I'm hoping I like this one,
    great review :)

    1. you should read this! I hope you liked this book as much as I do! :)


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